No matter what politics are being concocted by Governments all over the world, we should never scrimp and save on education; it will be the ultimate destruction of our society... ... See MoreSee Less

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Final deliberations with third parties in connection with the Forestation Project UTS.
Enjoying a delicious lunch in Jakarta Yayasan Kebon Sepatu found company in Marc Peeters (Bambu Nusa Verde), Bella (candidate Master Captain) and Frits Blessing (Blessing Projects). Informative and exchange of ideas and backgrounds was extremely useful, as this would endorse not only the view that Bambu is the "New Steel", but also the only alternative for hardwood and sustainable material in construction and boatbuilding.
It is good to know that these different disciplines can be lined up and synergised to achieve the common goal of ensuring sustainable products and ensuring a healthier and greener planet...
The discussion was related to Pak Zul Zulkieflimansyah (UTS), and was asked to play a leading role in this project to save Sumbawa from the disastrous consequences of mono-culture and deforestation as, in the long term this will cause:
Climate change: Deforestation contributes to global warming by increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It also changes the Earth's reflectivity, which impacts local and global temperatures.
Loss of wildlife habitat: Deforestation reduces the food, shelter, and breeding grounds for animals.
Biodiversity loss: Deforestation alters the mix of species that live in an area, with some species thriving and others becoming extinct.
Soil erosion: Without trees to hold soil in place, rain washes away topsoil.
Water cycle changes: Deforestation reduces transpiration, which negatively impacts water cycles.
Air pollution: Deforestation increases carbon dioxide in the air, which is a major pollutant.
Human rights impacts: Deforestation can have immediate and direct effects on Indigenous communities, who often depend on forests for food, medicine, and building materials.
Soil degradation: Deforestation can cause soil degradation if the land is steeply sloping, has shallow soils, or is not managed well after clearance.
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To all my friends, extended family members and fellow global thinkers around the world.....
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin <3
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The last days here on Lombok, trying to attend as many meetings of women's associations as possible.
In the morning the official inaugeration of the IWAPI NTB, International Women's Entrepreneureal Network Indonesia of NTB.
Straight afterwards to the kampung where a group of women gathered to learn about how to seperate their waste and make sure that it is gathered to be disposed of centrally; not in the rivers, in the streets or in the public areas.... there is a reward program in place and Yayasan Kebon Sepatu has supported this initiative as part of her Think Green - Act Clean campaign.
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A short vacation in Senggigi, where the downside of Covid19 is still painfully visible. The decaying buildings stand empty and in the tropics that means that they are very quickly overgrown. Beachsellers are idling along, "no businessya bu!" and fruitfully urge any passerby to buy some of their wares.... "mumpkin nanti besok" I smile and continue to read my book.
Some things came to light when discussing the agenda for my meeting with Ibu Niken (UTS), and its subsequent visit to the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (yes, well....) and next week will be my final one and the most significant of my current stay in Indonesia. I also need to do some background research in my S&S Association network, as I know that I can rely on excellent expertise visavis yachtbuilding.... let's see what next week is going to bring; I booked my flight to Sumbawa and will probably inondated by invitations by my extended family there <3
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Stimulate curiosity and authenticity, that is how we build bridges....
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A lot of lunchtime and dinner appointments leading up to the big even in August.... that meant also visiting the different locations where the various events would be taking place.... All supposed to be a wonderful surprise for guests and hosts alike, but worthwhile to mention, because this also created a great platform for both Yayasan Kebon Sepatu and PT Sasask Studio Sejati, as event organiser.
Frienships also need to be nurtured so, the lunch and talks with Ibu Ace Robin was long overdue and it is just wonderful to know that so many strong women can be icons for the community in Indonesia and in the same token, we need to give full credit to Karen Tambayong who welcomes me with open arms whenever I come to Jakarta.
From Makasar, I met notaris Maya Schroder, who will be sparing partner of the legal team of PT Sasak Studio Sejati, and whilst settling in her own office, will take our junior lawyer, Rijal under her wing.
In Bali our team member from the TU Delft and married to a Dutch national will be assisting us in the translation of the Website of Yayasan Kebon Sepatu, so that Indonesian visitors will be able to read our published articles in Bahasa Indonesia.....
And whilst I am in Bali, I will be seeing family from my mother's side and having a very pleasant dinner with them.... Indonesia is, after all, My Mother's Land 🌺
Support will be stepped up with regards of our projects of the Anak Alam school, who has found a wonderful leader in Baiq Dewi and has proven to be an inspirational leader. We must continue to pay attention to the small steps we can take to make a difference to this planet of ours.
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Wat ben je goed bezig zeg.
Yesterday was filled with a long overdue meeting with my dear friend Ace Robin and having dinner with another supporter - and former sekretaris Martadinata and his wife at restoran ikan 99🌺
It is also nice to note that we have fans😉
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Grateful to spend quality time this dinner time with Hussein - Vice President of Yayasan Kebon Sepatu - and his wife and daughter 🌺
Also meeting young friends, who wanted to say goodbye before he will set off to the US for the next couple of years.
We wish him all the very best and hope he will gain constructive and positive experiences on his travels 🫶🏼
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What started out as a very trying and tedious day at the bank, turned out to be a problemsolving exercise in terms of IT issues, jewelry designs and goldsmith employment, family introductions and much more....
Hopefully we will have a quiet weekend, with some great friends to meet up with 🌺
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A safe trip from Makasar to Lombok, the rain has stopped miraculously and now waiting for old friends and setting up meetings for the next couple of days.
Tomorrow Mandiri Bank is on the agenda and Saturday social appointments, equally important and more fun!
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One of the perks of my job is that I have the opportunity to travel all over the archipelago of Indonesia.
Visiting Maya, who will be having her second one in August and hopefully in time to join the wedding celebration of Jorine and Kay.
For me, the first visit to Makasar and I just enjoy this wonderful city with it's specific dynamics. I will visit Port Rotterdam tomorrow to learn about yet another black page in Dutch colonial rule.....
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Mooie foto’s
A leisurely Sunday in Makasar and meeting old and new friends …..🌺 ... See MoreSee Less

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The first meeting with YKS - Java Team was a very satisfying experience where, we all shared our concerns, plans and feedback on the broad spectrum of events - possibly projecting the impact of the Global state of play (Climate change etc.), but also where the current leaders of this world may involuntary stir us......
It was gratifying to learn that in spite of our age differences, our thoughts were all aligned and the expressed opinions shared by each and every one of us.... So, in Bogor we met with Rori and our President, Tresna Yaniza Putra, our financial advisor, Para Adi Dharma, and myself as Bendahara Yayasan Kebon Sepatu.
We defined what our goals should be for this year, strengthening our cooperation agreements with participants like Bambu Nusa Verde, and Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa and how we should proceed to make sure that the Reforestation Project; research team and collaboration with University of Wageningen would be achieved. Support will be given to the UTS if they wish to pursue their ideas on a Maritime faculty, if time and opportunity allows...
Planned meetings during this mission: Embassy of the Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands in Jakarta, together with Karen Tambayong to discuss contacts and progress in the Netherlands.
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